Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Why Don't I Look Like the Girls on Instagram?

I talk to women all the time about makeup, it’s my favorite thing to do. I love helping people find products and techniques that work for them and help them enhance their natural beauty. It takes time to find exactly what works for each person, but it also takes being realistic. In today's world of advertising and Instagram, it's hard to have a realistic view of makeup. While makeup can make a drastic difference in your appearance, it isn't going to magically change who you are. 

When I put on lipstick I'd like it to look like Kylie Jenner's Lips, but it doesn’t. When I apply foundation I don't magically have perfectly tanned, untextured, unfreckled skin. It can be frustrating to see "insta famous" men and women constantly looking flawless and not having your makeup turn out the same, trust me I know. (My skin is super flawless in the dark) 

Next time you're feeling discouraged that your makeup doesn't look as "flawless" as it does on Instagram, remember there is a reason why: 

I have nothing against editing pictures (although a lot of people go overboard so be careful). I edit mine if I need a pimple covered up! Most people you see on Instagram edit their photos, they blur edges, soften skin, enhance colors, whiten teeth, etc. While these women you're looking at are probably extremely talented with makeup, they also know how to edit any imperfections out. They have pores in person, I promise. 

They're using higher end products! A $65 foundation looks different and wears differently than a $12 foundation. Same goes for eyeshadows, blushes, bronzers, etc. This is sometimes true, not always. Yes, drugstore makeup is amazing and can look amazing with a good technique, but high-end skincare and makeup can make your skin look better, has more pigmentation, and lasts better throughout the day.

Amount of product used 
This took awhile for me to wrap my head around. The amount of blush you wear on a normal day isn't enough color to pop on camera (probably), Makeup for film tends to be more heavy handed than makeup we wear every day. Remember when you see a stunning image, it may look very different in real life.

Lighting  & Camera 
This is a big one if you're unhappy with how your makeup looks in pictures. A front camera iPhone selfie is not going to look as crisp as one taken with a professional camera and lighting. Try doing your makeup in natural light by a window to see what a difference it makes on your ability to see how products really look on your skin. It will shock you what doing your makeup on your bathroom Vs. in natural light shows you. When you do your makeup in good lighting it's easier to see if a product doesn't work with your skin.

Cosmetic Surgery/Facial Features
Cosmetic Surgery is a personal decision, who am I to judge anyone on what they do to their body? That being said, I never ever questioned how my lips looked with lipstick on them until this lip filler craze hit. Now when I see a video of someone with fillers applying a lipstick I think how my lips don't look like that. I have big lips, I don't need fillers, but they give lips this crease-less look that makes lipstick look amazing. Some people have naturally chiseled cheekbones, or big almond eyes, etc. Everyone looks different, whether it's natural or not, which we must remember when applying makeup. What looks flawless on someone may not look flawless on us.

This may be the biggest one of all... The first time you apply lipstick, eyeliner, eyeshadow, etc., it is not going to be perfect. It takes time to develop a technique that works for you. Many of the women you see all over your Instagram feed have made a career with makeup and have practiced for countless hours to perfect their crisp wing.

So grab your makeup bag, sit in front of natural light and practice, practice, practice.

Remember, it's just makeup. If you don't like it, wash it off and start again.